What the basque: 9. WTB: Tosu
What the Basque!!!! This month our programme is about Tosu, a squated piece of land near Bilbao. It is a very interesting project, it started when local gobernments tried to build a car park there… We´ll interview Leire Azkargorta first, from Algorta, and ´Jon Gomez´then, from Tosu Betirako (Tosu Forever) project.
As usual, Hala Bedi Methot will help you learn a bit of Euskara, this time you have the chance to learn about… medicinal herbs! Thank you Angela!!
And finally, in Nork Nori News section we talk about freedom of speech (the lack of it…) because Alfredo Remirez will have to go into prison this week. That´s unbeliebable, we invite everybody to support Alfredo next friday, in the demonstration called for November the 3th in Amurrio at 19:30, the day before his inprisonment. Or you can support him via Twitter, but take care Spanish Police doesn´t see those tweets…
Of course, we also talk about Catalonia, this is like a movie… every week we have amazing news, now the president of the Catalan Republic (while they declared idependence last friday) turns to be in Brussels with other five counsellors! Will they ask for asylum there? We´ll see… All our support to the democratic will of the Catalan people!!
This programme is produced in Hala Bedi radio, in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and it´s broadcast on tuesdays (19:00-20:00). Also broadcast in Melbourne, the last friday of every month, by 3CR. We want to say hello to our friends in Australia! 3CR Community Radio, don’t give up the fight!!
If you want to become an halabelarri and support Hala Bedi Irratia click here and if you want to contact WTB show, we´ll be pleased to answer your enquiries, write an e-mail to whatthebasque@gmail.com!
Hala Bedi babestu nahi duzu?
Hala Bedin proiektu komunikatibo libre, komunitario eta eraldatzailea eraikitzen ari gara. Egunero, ehundaka gara proiektuan parte hartzen dugun pertsonak, eragiten digun errealitatea behatuz eta hura eraldatzen saiatuz, herri mugimenduekin batera.
Gure edukiak libreak dira, inork ez digulako agintzen zer argitaratu dezakegun eta zer ez. Eta eduki hauek dohainik eta modu libre batean zabaltzen ditugu, hedapena, elkarbanatzea eta eraldaketa helburu.
Halabelarririk gabe, Hala Bedi ekonomikoki sostengatzen duten bazkiderik gabe, hau ez litzateke posible izango. Egin zaitez halabelarri eta babestu Hala Bedi!