What the basque: 22th WTB: STEILAS (education union)
Kaixo listeners of What the Basque!! This week, we bring you a program about STEILAS. A sectorial union that works for the rights of the workers in the education field, but understanding that as a great concern for the whole society.
In a previous episode we learned about ELA and LAB Basque unions. Today we will interview Nagore Iturrioz, a member of STEILAS. These are the questions that we made her, do you want to know what she answered?
Kaixo Nagore, could you introduce yourself, please? When did you join Steilas? What was your work previously?
When and how was Steilas created? (40th anniversary…) Has it changed since the begining?
What’s the difference between Steilas and other unions? In size and caracteristics? (And distribution all over EH?)
Is it true that other unions (LAB, ELA, CCOO, UGT…) are usually blamed for giving up to easily? Is Steilas hard in the negotiations?
What are your resources? And the strategies?
Basque Autonomous Gobernment recently signed an agreement on education with LAB and you were angry with that union (ELA and Steilas were angry). Could you explain to us what happened? Later Steilas, LAB, CCOO and UGT signed an agreement, was it good enough? Why hasen’t ELA signed?
Do you think there are too many unions? Or do you think it’s a good idea to develope specific unions instead?
ELA and LAB unions have a very interesting tool. Do you think Steilas should have a “Resistance box / Fighting Cashbox”? Or it’s differen in your case? (Hezkuntza publikoan kriston langile pila daude eta greba orokorra izan ohi da, erresistentzi kutxa batekin greba luzatzea zaila litzateke, ta de hecho igual irakasleek ez dute hainbeste diru prekarietate, poltsikoak eutsi dezake..?).
What was Steilas’s last successful campaign and how was it organised?
Is Steilas concerned about teachers’ conditions only? Or also about other kind of workers in that branch?
What are your working fields in Steilas?
-Is feminism important for you? Why? How do you fight for it?
-Is segregation an issue? What’s the situation? Who is responsible?
-What about religion? Is that OK to teach religion or you don’t accept it at all? Do other unions have the same opinion?
Are unions present in private schools? What’s your opinion on that kind of school?
And what about coop schools, alternative schools..? In general, what’s Steilas’s point of view on them?
What about ikastolas (again)? They were very important for the recuperation of Basque language. And, on top of teaching in Basque, they were and maybe are a space of didactics innovation. What does Steilas think about Ikastolen Elkartea, the cooperative net of private basque schools?
Does Steilas think the same about ikastolas of other parts, where the public education system still doesn’t offer a real option to learn in Euskara? Such as Iparralde in the French state or the south part of Navarre?
Does Steilas have any national or international alliances? …
Play the podcast below if you want to listen what she answered (and our super smart comments too).
Finally, this week in Nor-Nori-News section we will talk about the detention of Evaristo Páramos, the singer of some historic punk music bands. After a concert in Jerez de la Frontera, he was identified by the police a few days ago… Spain is getting more and more inquisitor! Back off!! Let the people alone!!
This programme is produced in Hala Bedi radio, in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and it’s broadcast on Tuesdays (19:00-20:00). Also broadcast in Melbourne, the last Friday of every month, by 3CR. We want to say hello to our friends in Australia! 3CR Community Radio, don’t give up the fight!!
If you want to contact the WTB show, mention us in Twitter (@halabediWTB) or send us an email, we´ll be pleased to answer your enquiries at whatthebasque@gmail.com. You can leave a comment here too! Click at the podcast below, enjoy, and share it in your country, wherever you are listening from!
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