What the basque: 18. WTB: 3th of March
Kaixo listeners of What the Basque!! This week, we bring you a program about the 3th of March. The 3th of March of 1976, a day which is remembered year after year in our city, Vitoria-Gasteiz, because that day police killed 5 people when they evicted a worker´s assembly from the San Francisco church of Zaramaga neighbourhood. Let´s say it´s our own Bloody Sunday.
In Rub the Skin section, we will interview Eider, who has been a volunteer in the shooting of the film that is being produced about the 3th of March. Then we will interview Josu, who will explain how he researched events of that day and he will help us understand that days: Franco had died recently, the oligarchy was the same…
In Hala Bedi Method, this time we will talk about the words that have “min” inside. It means “pain” normally but it´s used to form other words… Are you intrigued? Have some fun and learn a bit of Euskara with us!
Finally, in Nor-Nori-News, we will bring you the latest news from the Basque Country. Bilal will tell us about the Eusko, which is an local currency, alternative and coexisting with the Euro, that promotes to strengthen the local economy, reduce ecological damage caused by long supply chains, to promote solidarity and also the Basque language. For the moment, the Eusko only exists in the north side of the Basque Country (French state) and this year they are celebrating the 5th anniversary.
After that, though, we will remember the closure of Egunkaria newspaper. The only newspaper that we had in Basque was shot down 15 years ago, 5 people were detained and tortured for 5 days by the Spanish police forces… There was mo legal basis for that closure, the newspaper and all the accused people were absolved later, but Spanish nationalists wanted to send us a message: “We can do whatever we want”. Well, we had a new media right after the detentions, we have Berria now.
This programme is produced in Hala Bedi radio, in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and it’s broadcast on Tuesdays (19:00-20:00). Also broadcast in Melbourne, the last Friday of every month, by 3CR. We want to say hello to our friends in Australia! 3CR Community Radio, don’t give up the fight!!
We need your financial support to keep going, if you want to become an halabelarri and support Hala Bedi Irratia click here and if you want to contact the WTB show, mention us in Twitter (@halabediWTB) or send us an email (whatthebasque@gmail.com), we´ll be pleased to answer your enquiries. Click at the podcast below and enjoy!
Hala Bedi babestu nahi duzu?
Hala Bedin proiektu komunikatibo libre, komunitario eta eraldatzailea eraikitzen ari gara. Egunero, ehundaka gara proiektuan parte hartzen dugun pertsonak, eragiten digun errealitatea behatuz eta hura eraldatzen saiatuz, herri mugimenduekin batera.
Gure edukiak libreak dira, inork ez digulako agintzen zer argitaratu dezakegun eta zer ez. Eta eduki hauek dohainik eta modu libre batean zabaltzen ditugu, hedapena, elkarbanatzea eta eraldaketa helburu.
Halabelarririk gabe, Hala Bedi ekonomikoki sostengatzen duten bazkiderik gabe, hau ez litzateke posible izango. Egin zaitez halabelarri eta babestu Hala Bedi!