¿Sabes de qué va "canciones para el insomnio"? En este programa te lo explico.
Explicación del programa canciones para el insomnio. Desde los motivos, hasta la estructura.
Minimix para escuchar uno de los temas del ultimo cassette del sello de Bergara, Haus Of Beats, a cargo de Andoni Olaetxea y Telmo Trenor que rinde tributo a la figura de Gladys del Estal.
La letra de la semana a cargo de Kae Tempest – Water in the rain:
Sometimes it passes
Sometimes it don’t
Sometimes it passes
I’m in your arms in the front room
Your voice keep breathing
But my mind is not connected to my body
And I’m in pieces
I scapegoat the workload
The traumas from the past
How to keep the present in your grasp
When I’m holding it off behind glass?
I’m in the observation room staring at my palms
How are we supposed to dance?
But you’re dancing
I can’t land
Can’t land in my own skin sometimes
But you’re in the sunshine
You’re in the garden
I’m walking slowly through some town with no name
In some place I don’t know
With nothing to say
To the people I don’t meet
I wait for the train
With a full bowl of water in my hands in the rain
Sometimes it passes
Sometimes it don’t
Sometimes it passes
Sometimes it don’t
I carry our love in my hands through each turbulent day
Like a full bowl of water in the rain
My tenderness for you
My hopes for our lives
One careful step at a time
Don’t spill a drop
Don’t drop the bowl
Don’t lose hold
Don’t lose control
Stay measured
Stay focused
Stay present
Stay close to the task
When the days are too slow or too fast
I just carry our love in my hands
Sometimes it passes
Sometimes it don’t
Espero que os guste.
Ondo izan,
Hala Bedi babestu nahi duzu?
Hala Bedin proiektu komunikatibo libre, komunitario eta eraldatzailea eraikitzen ari gara. Egunero, ehundaka gara proiektuan parte hartzen dugun pertsonak, eragiten digun errealitatea behatuz eta hura eraldatzen saiatuz, herri mugimenduekin batera.
Gure edukiak libreak dira, inork ez digulako agintzen zer argitaratu dezakegun eta zer ez. Eta eduki hauek dohainik eta modu libre batean zabaltzen ditugu, hedapena, elkarbanatzea eta eraldaketa helburu.
Halabelarririk gabe, Hala Bedi ekonomikoki sostengatzen duten bazkiderik gabe, hau ez litzateke posible izango. Egin zaitez halabelarri eta babestu Hala Bedi!