What the basque: 23th WTB: Ikastolas
Kaixo listeners of What the Basque!!
This week, we bring you a program about ikastolas (basque schools). What are they? How were they created? Inma Muñoa from Ikastolen Elkartea will help us understand about it: how families own the school, how they take parte in the decissions…
Last time we produced an episode about STEILAS union (sectorial for education) and we mentioned Ikastolas, you might be interested on that one, check it out too!
Afterwards, we´ll learn about a similar experience, in the north of Poland, by the Kashubian people. We knew about this thanks to Garabide and they are in a process that reminds the very begining of the ikastolas. We will interview Anna Kościukiewicz-Jabłońska and Artur Jablonsczi from the Kaszebsko Jednota association and they will explain to us how they are doing.
Thank you, friends, and keep going!
This programme is produced in Hala Bedi radio, in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and it’s broadcast on Tuesdays (19:00-20:00). Also broadcast in Melbourne, the last Friday of every month, by 3CR. We want to say hello to our friends in Australia! 3CR Community Radio, don’t give up the fight!!
If you want to contact the WTB show, mention us in Twitter (@halabediWTB) or send us an email, we´ll be pleased to answer your enquiries at whatthebasque@gmail.com. You can leave a comment here too!
Click at the PODCAST below, enjoy, and share it over your country, wherever you are listening from!
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Gure edukiak libreak dira, inork ez digulako agintzen zer argitaratu dezakegun eta zer ez. Eta eduki hauek dohainik eta modu libre batean zabaltzen ditugu, hedapena, elkarbanatzea eta eraldaketa helburu.
Halabelarririk gabe, Hala Bedi ekonomikoki sostengatzen duten bazkiderik gabe, hau ez litzateke posible izango. Egin zaitez halabelarri eta babestu Hala Bedi!