What the basque: 21. WTB: Basque Unions (ELA and LAB)
Kaixo listeners of What the Basque!! This week, we bring you a program about Unions. Are they strong in Euskal Herria? Not much? Are there (too) many? …
In Rub the Skin section, we´ll try to show the situation to you with two interviews. First one will be to Ioritz Iglesias from ELA union and the second one to Ibai Intxaurrondo from LAB. Both of them did great! Aupa zuek!! These are the questions that we made them, do you want to know what they answered?
Welcome Ioritz… (from ELA)
-When did you join ELA? How old are you? Where have you worked previously? -When and how was ELA created? -Has it changed since the begining? -What’s the difference between ELA and other unions? In size and caracteristics? -Is LAB the most similar to ELA? Why are they split? -Is it true that other unions blame ELA for giving up to easily? Is that fair? -Do you think there are to much unions? Do you think it’s a good idea to develope specific unions, such us Steilas for the education branch? -ELA union has a very interrsting tool, which other unions lack. How is the «Resistance Cashbox» financed and how is it used? -What was the last successfully campaign and how was it organised? -In which branches do you think ELA is stronger? Are those branches the most precarious working fields? -How could we improve the conditions of those working fields that usually don’t join unions? -What is different about Basque unions? -Are there any national or international alliances? -Is there anything else you’d like to add? |
Welcome Intxa… (from LAB)
-When did you join LAB? How old are you? Where have you worked previously? -When and how was LAB created? -Has it changed since the begining? -What’s the difference between LAB and other unions? In size and caracteristics? -Is ELA union the most similar to LAB? Why are they split? Why should workers join LAB? -Is it true that other unions (ELA, CCOO, UGT…) are usually blamed for giving up to easily? -Is LAB hard in the negotiations? What are your resources? And the strategies? -What’s socialism for you?… -Is LAB related with Sortu political party? Does the party rule the union in some rate? How is LAB organized? -Basque Autonomous Gobernment has recently accepted and signed the demands of the Ertzaintza police unions. But it doesn’t happen with education workers, why is that? -Do you think there are to much unions? Do you think it’s a good idea to develope specific unions, such us Steilas for the education branch? -ELA union has a very interesting tool, which other unions lack. Do you think LAB should have a «Resistance Cashbox»? [LAB has one too!] -What was LAB’s last successfully campaign and how was it organised? -In which branches do you think LAB is stronger? Are those branches the most precarious working fields? -Are unions present in coops? If so, is the percentage of union members in these companies higher than in other similar companies? In general, what’s your point of view on coops? -What is different about Basque unions? -Are there any national or international alliances? -Is there anything else you’d like to add? |
As ussual, we didn´t get to talk properly about Iparralde (and the variety and division there is about unions), neither we talked with people from Steilas, CCOO, UGT… and many other working class fighting movements. But let´s save those for future episodes!
For Hala Bedi Method, since we´ve been talking about Unions… we´ll learn some words related with the word «one», which is «bat» in Basque: batasuna, batera, bakar, bakarrik… Are you intrigued? Have some fun and learn a bit of Euskara with us!
And finally, this week in Nor-Nori-News section we will talk about the demobilization of ETA; about the weak judgement that came out last week in the trial for a gang rape (!!) in San Fermin festivals; also about the trial of a bar fight in Altsasu that has been manipulated by the Spanish media to make it seem an act of terrorism…
This programme is produced in Hala Bedi radio, in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and it’s broadcast on Tuesdays (19:00-20:00). Also broadcast in Melbourne, the last Friday of every month, by 3CR. We want to say hello to our friends in Australia! 3CR Community Radio, don’t give up the fight!!
If you want to contact the WTB show, mention us in Twitter (@halabediWTB) or send us an email, we´ll be pleased to answer your enquiries at whatthebasque@gmail.com. You can leave a comment here too! Click at the podcast below, enjoy, and share it in your country, wherever you are listening from!
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