What the basque: 13. WTB: Olatukoop
What the Basque!!!! This week, in rub the skin, we bring you an interview about Olatukoop, a network for cooperative companies to organise and to share information in order to foster the social economy. We interview Amaia Oleaga who will explain the motivations behind the creation of this special network and what this social movement is about. Amaia will also explain some of the work that the cooperative companies are doing and how they participate in this network.
Then, if you want to learn a bit of Euskara, in Hala Bedi Method we take advantage of the topic we are talking about today and we will teach you some words related to collective nouns. We will also try to explain to you the grammar behind the concept of «Nor-Nori-Nork» for the auxiliar verb, which is an important component of the verbs in Basque. You may have seen, in previous episodes, that we referred to this concept in the title of our section about the news of the Basque Country: Nor-Nori-News.
So, finally, in Nor-Nori-News, we talk about torture cases in the Basque Country, also about animal cruelty in traditional festivals and, of course, the Bertsolaritza final that took place on the 17th of December in Barakaldo. Bertsolaritza is a kind of inprovised and singed poetry (we talked about this interesting cultural phenomena in a previous episode) and after we explain the whereabouts of the National Competition Final, we also comment a great TEDx talk from 2013. In this video Uxue Alberdi gives a feminist perspective to the history of this tradition. She speaks in Basque but there are subtitles in Spanish.
We hope you’ll like this new episode of What the Basque! Let us know what you think!
This programme is produced in Hala Bedi radio, in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and it´s broadcast on Tuesdays (19:00-20:00). Also broadcast in Melbourne, the last Friday of every month, by 3CR. We want to say hello to our friends in Australia! 3CR Community Radio, don’t give up the fight!!
We need your financial support to keep going, if you want to become an halabelarri and support Hala Bedi Irratia click here and if you want to contact WTB show, we´ll be pleased to answer your enquiries, write an e-mail to whatthebasque@gmail.com Click at the pocdast below and enjoy!
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