What the basque: 10. WTB: Gasteizkoak and Insubmission
What the Basque!!!! This month our programme is about Gasteizkoak, an antimilitarist group from Vitoria-Gasteiz. It is a very interesting group that has been doing a great job on the topic: researching, denouncing, publishing books, preparing Curricular Units for secondary schoolls… Mikel Lacalle is one of the members and he will explain to us many interesting things.
Oskar, a member of WTB radio show, was also involved in the desobedience movement against the compulsory military training some years ago, popularly known as the Insubmission movement. He will explain how was it to be an «insumiso».
After that, we have Nork Nori News section with some news regarding to… police! So, this time we made almost a single subject episode, we hope you like it! Enjoy!
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