What the basque: 11. WTB: Mondragon Co-operative Group
What the Basque!!!! This month our programme is about Mondragon Co-operative Group, the largest cooperative corporation in the Basque Country and one of the largest in the world. We talked with Liher Pillado and Mikel Erraustegi about the work that Mondragon group is doing for the co-operative movement and its implications for the town of Arrasate and the Basque Country.
Then, in Hala Bedi method, in honor of one of the Mondragon Group founder, who was a priest, we will teach you some catholic words in Euskara. We don’t want to turn you into christian believers, but this way you’ll be able to understand why we say in Euskara: What the Host!
We hope you’ll like this new incarnation of What the Basque!
This programme is produced in Hala Bedi radio, in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and it´s broadcast on tuesdays (19:00-20:00). Also broadcast in Melbourne, the last friday of every month, by 3CR. We want to say hello to our friends in Australia! 3CR Community Radio, don’t give up the fight!!
If you want to become an halabelarri and support Hala Bedi Irratia click here and if you want to contact WTB show, we´ll be pleased to answer your enquiries, write an e-mail to whatthebasque@gmail.com!
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En Hala Bedi construimos un proyecto comunicativo libre, comunitario y transformador. En el día a día, cientos de personas participamos en este proyecto, observando la realidad que nos afecta y tratando de transformarla junto a los movimientos populares.
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